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What does it mean to be a First Generation

College student? 

A recent story in the New York Times looked for answers to the question,  "What does it mean to be a First Generation Student?"  by interviewing a group of FGC students attending some of the best known Ivey League Institutions.  

The students varied in their responses to the question of what it meant for them to be attending an Ivey League institution.  Some talked about feeling a sense of privilege to while others spoke of their sense of responsibility, feeling proud, or feeling the privilege of being at an ivey league institution was both a "blessing and a curse" . 

These students all possess resilience, determination, and commitment to remain on course and make it to the Day of Commencement. Crossing the line and overcoming obstacles was important regardless of sacrifice. 

The experience of breaking the walls that have kept them out of academia can be scary and emotional but also rewarding and exhilarating. As more FGS of color attend institutions of higher education across the nation they are challenge the privilege held by groups that until now have traditionally held exclusivity to the best institutions of higher education.

First Generation Students are not only crossing the borders in pursuit of higher education but challenging the status quo of the privileged class.